Friday, October 24, 2008

Totally Random. Totally.

These things are non-related, & severely random, but I just had to share, ya know? First off, I had to show the miniature horse decked out in the new play-doh fashions (with wee pumpkin accessory), created by my 4-year old, who was obviously rockin' it with her tiny crafty self.

Is this weird? Some people commemorate their child's first step, first missing tooth or first haircut. I captured "The First Chores"! They helped mama for the first time!! And the weird thing is that they fought over who was going to clean the toilet. I'm thinking I can use that to my advantage...

A hot bath on a cold night....And why are there goggles hanging from my tub faucet? Who knows...

Someday I'll get a GREAT shot of the sunsets we have around these parts. This was from my kitchen window. Totally blurry, totally doesn't give any idea of what awesomeness I'm talking about. I'll work on it.

Random mushroom in the backyard. Someday I want to see awesome shrooms like this or this or this...

Out "shopping" at Lowe's one day with Tia, for free paint swatches, I spotted this ADORABLE little holiday rug!! Me wants.

Gross Bug Alert. A couple weeks ago I saw this most DISGUSTING bug by my car.I didn't want to get too close to it when taking the picture for fear it would stand up on its back legs & slap me across the face. It was about 2 inches long! And plump & weird! Ewwww! It seriously sent shivers all over me. I was told by some of my most brain-i-ac family members that it is a potato bug. Click HERE for further proof.

I think I found this while browsing Pampering Beki's blog. I am not a total coffee drinker, but I LOVE this! HAHA! Oh, & speaking of Beki, she's organizing a blogger ornament exchange. I signed up (I'm #45!) & you have until the 25th of October to join, so HURRY!

I had "matchy-matchy" girls one day & took this photo. They wanted to dress alike. One jumped "up" & the other jumped "down". (I don't know how you jump "down", but they worked it out.)

This is my screen saver. Bubbles. They bounce & change colors & everything. Sweet.

I'm busy working on vintage button bouquets for the Christmas Bazaar. There are buttons EVERYWHERE. You know how you go to the beach in the summer & come home finding sand in strange places? That's all I'm sayin'....

Tute alert! This weekend I'll have one ready for ya. YAY!

Alright, that's enough randomness for one day.


  1. just wanted to stop and say that while i've only just found you i love your writing style, your crafty stuff and your blog :)

  2. omg that hideous bug!! EEK

    Great post

  3. Cute stuff. Had a laugh over the toilet cleaning. As a coffee drinker, I have to lift that photo off your page.

  4. This is a cute post. Your girls can come and clean my tiolet anytime. I linked to you in my blog post today.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.