Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday Stuff

I just mailed 21 packages! That's a record for me--fo sho. Lots of little owlies are now heading to their new homes. And I just realized how cool it is that my little creations will be a part of many families holiday traditions every year. Awwww....Someone asked me if I am sick of owlies yet. I'm sure YOU are all sick of them by now. I'm just glad to be moving on to making other stuff. They still sit in my art studio & stare at me everyday--all perched in their branches awaiting their Holiday Bazaar adventure. Just wait little guys, it'll be here before ya know it...

Speaking of my upcoming Holiday Bazaar....I was recently surprised to receive a lovely gift from my blog buddy Laura Bray of katydiddys: The Craft Show Worksheet. Laura has compiled so much information into a PDF file--ready for easy peasy purchase HERE--that has answered so many of my questions about craft shows. As I read the worksheet, I found myself whispering out loud, "Wow! That is a great idea..." It's full of charts & tips & worksheets & lists & it really leads you through the craft show process step-by-step. We are in the midst of the craft show season, so I highly suggest grabbing this worksheet if you're doing a show! You can use it year after year too. (And don't forget to tell Laura that I sent you. Not that I'll win a prize or anything, but just do it, K?) I should have read this worksheet a while ago. Not so stressed anymore. I can do this!!! And it's gonna be heaps of fun!

Tonight I'll be cozied on the couch while making lots of button rings. I've got these really neato boxes I'm making to package them in too. Can't wait to show you! I've canceled my Monday Night Feast for tonight so I can get crafty all-night-long. (**Suddenly hears Lionel Richie**)

My mouth is already watering thinking of Thanksgiving dinner this week. My whole fam--& then some--will be gathered at my mom & grandma's house to celebrate. There will be about 23 of us there! Oooh, there'll be good food & hanging with my favorite people & games galore! We're a board game/card game family, so I can't wait!! I'll be bringing twice baked potatoes & I need to figure out how to kick-em-up-a-notch.

OH! Before I forget!!! WhiMSY love is having an After-Thanksgiving Sale--from Nov. 28th thru December 1st everything is BUY ONE GET ONE HALF OFF!!!

Gotta go. My girls are running around pretending to be spiders---using their bathrobe ties as spiderwebs. They need to catch a fly--& I guess I've been nominated.


  1. I got those sheets from KatyDiddy and they are GREAT! I highly recommend, especially for the unorganized :)

  2. Cream cheese and those teeny crispy onions make everything better !:)

    And I'd love an all blue owlie if you ever made one!

  3. Thanks for the PR Nikki! You are too sweet. I've already had a sale as a result of your post. You are the best blog buddy a girl could ask for! Hugs & Kisses & Money wishes coming your way.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.