Friday, December 12, 2008

I Like To Make Stuff. A Lot.

I am having THE most awesome week EVERS!! shop is doing fabulously! I've really been trying to stock it up for the late-night sale this evening---but I keep selling the things I put in the shop. HAHA! That's totally not a bad thing though! I promise to reserve some goodies for all you late-night shoppers!

Secondly.....lookie HERE. This just gave me a little smile. My advent calender's gone international! I just wish I could understand what all the blog commenters are saying about my ingenious display of advent goodness. HAHA! Seriously though, that blog has been showing different crafty advent calendars & they are so fun to look at!

Thirdly.....I can't even tell you the third reason I'm having the best week EVERS. Not yet anyway. But it has to do with my book art & I'm so excited!!!!!! Next week I'll be able to fill ya in.
Fourthly.....of the 60+ owlies I have made in the past couple months, they are sold out---except one little owlie in the shop! It's kind of sad that they're gone, actually. And I'm wondering if I should make them a year-round thing. They don't really scream: "I'm a holiday decoration!!", so they could be hung up all the time. What do you think?
Ok, enough boasting & beaming. I gotta go work on gettin' some more items in the shop for the ONE HOUR SALE tonight! 11pm. PST. See you there!


  1. From my limited high school French, I think they are saying it could even be used in the summer...a year round treat!
    I love your blog by the way. Your stuff is great! Thanks and keep it up!

  2. you are such a busy blogger - and a CRAFTY one too! things are really happening for you, and that's so cool

  3. Way to go chica!!!

    I am sure I will be asleep by then and I'm sad. :(

    However, owls year round are a jolly good idea!!


  4. Heck yeah, keep them owlies going! If they did that well, they will all find a home eventually!

  5. Just passing through- love your work and your blog- and I was intrigued by the French writing about the advent calendar and knew of a handy free translating site,, so here it is. It's rough but says something like-

    "An idea all simple one, but it was necessary there to think: a row shoes all dull and moche BUT that has 24 redeveloped pockets in calendar of the have with a little shrewdness and of taste for the customisation. Take the time to look at in detail the tuto and how each of the envelopes was decorated. This is a true happiness for the eyes..."

    I'm sure someone out there can translate it better for you, but I love the last sentence "true happiness for the eyes." It is indeed!

    Happy holidays and happy crafting!

  6. Woohoo! That's soooo fantastic! And I think you should put the owls up year round :)

  7. Congratulations on all your success. You deserve it.

  8. I'm a little late on this one, but I was outta town for my baby shower.
    I think it's a swell idea to make the owlies year-round decor.

    Congrats on having such a wonderful week.

    Sylvia C.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.