Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ta Ta 2008!

Hello 2009!! Well, it's not TECHNICALLY 2009 here yet. Soon anyway. I don't have any major plans this evening. No soiree. The hoopla is on the down-low tonight. Mr. WhiMSy love & I will watch a movie & he'll probably fall asleep before the New Year strikes. The girls were told they could stay up as long as they can last. My 6 year old said, "I'm gonna stay up all the way until 10 o'clock!!!"

I found something fun to do in the new year. I decided to jump on the 365 DAYS bandwagon. I'm excited about this new project. 1 self portrait everyday. That shouldn't be too hard for me to do, right? I really think it'll turn into a journey of self-discovery, without intention to be one.

My heart is heavy as the new year approaches though. I haven't blogged about it, but it is a constant source of emotion at random unexpected moments in my days. About a month ago, my family found out that my dad has cancer. A day after his surgery, on the 10th, my sister, brother & I will be taking a 3 1/2 hour road trip to see him at the hospital in Seattle. I'm not sure how long he'll have to stay there. Thankfully, my parents live 10 blocks away from me. And once again, I feel so strange mentioning such a gloomy subject on my blog. But something like this affects all of who you are.

(*awkward pause*)


I don't usually make New Year resolutions. I just anticipate the "newness" that the new year brings. A fresh start, ya know? This year, I would like to make a goal though: I strive to continue celebrating life because I am blessed.
I'm loving the new song I found, "Blessed" by Brett Dennen. (Right now it's the first song on my playlist.) It just so perfectly parallels my thoughts.

What do you think of the little mushroom cards? I screen-printed my very own design onto blank white cards last night. I have a whole "woodland" theme I'm working on but I was so excited at the first mushroom prints that I couldn't wait to share! They'll be in the shop in the new year too! This is the same process I used to make THIS cupcake shirt.

Well, my 6 year old daughter just came down for a visit---& to tell me how hungry she is. She said, "I'm so hungry I could eat 10 cheeseburgers.....twice!" OH, & now here's my 4 year old---jumping up & down, listening to the water she just drank jiggle & slosh in her tummy.

Here's to a perfectly beautiful 2009! Happy New Year my friends!


  1. This first song is really a great song. I am sorry to hear about your father and my thoughts will be with you and your family.

    Have a wonderful New Years Eve, and Best Wishes for 2009!

  2. you should check out boiled peanuts log of self portraits. it is kind of fun.
    love the little notecards too. 2009 is going to be a great one!! i can feel it.

  3. I'm excited for 2009 also- was kind of a year of inertia for us. Good but still. I'm ready for some new adventures...

    I will be praying for your Dad. And your family.

    Good Luck with your 365 project- I'm sure it will yeild some interesting results. Maybe I should try- I am really bad about self-editing...

    My 6 yo made it to 12 last year... this year I have no doubts about a repeat, my 4 yo is trying but she is falling apart already. She won't admit it though. :)

    Here we go!!!!

  4. Oh honey - I'm sorry. Be brave for your mom, and remember there are little miracles everywhere. Just be the coolest daughter ever and don't let your dad see your fear or worry.

    Praying for your dad.

    Happy New Year. I love the prints!!

  5. Happy New Year! I'll be praying for your Dad.

  6. Happy New year Nikki to you and all the family.
    The mushroom cards are awesome I am super jealous screen printing - awesome.

    Love to your dad and mom, my heart goes out to you, my Mom has also been poorly and it is so hard when its your parents, you have been there for me a great deal so I want to offer the same back, you are a great friend and I am sure all will be fine. Your dad is in my prayers xoxoxox

  7. Sorry about your dad... I hope he'll get better soon.

    Send him & your family all the best. Have a healthy and peaceful new year!


  8. i hope your dad's surgery goes well. hugs to you and a happy new year

  9. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Best wishes for 2009!

  10. Prayers for your dad, Nikki.

    God Bless you in 2009!

    (guess who just stole your music again.... Yup. Love this first song!)

  11. Dear Nikki,

    Don't be feeling weird about sharing your dad's struggle. It is just the very "human-ness" that makes the blogsphere so amazing. Having said that, I know what you mean...for some reason I was able to post about the death of my brother-in-law, but didn't mention that my grandma passed away Christmas morning. The things we choose to post are just that, the things WE choose. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We hope your dad's surgery goes well.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.