Monday, February 16, 2009

Week in Review Feb 9-15

It looks like I had a more colorful week this time. My week was sorta invaded with owlies: the owlie swap package was received, the girls & I made owlie Valentines & my first party hat was themed for a customer's owlie birthday. Craftiness reigned. The girls loved the party hat so much that they chose to make their own: my 4-year olds is complete with random glued-on bits, including some Frosted Flake cereal! haha! In the upper right corner of the mosaic is a pic of a tag book I taught my MOPS group (Mothers Of PreSchoolers) how to make: Tute coming soon! I have a recent love of yellow & I'm so excited to start collecting & crafting lovelies in this shade of sunny.


  1. I think yellow is a FAB new color to love!

    It's sunny... just like you and me!

    Sylvia C.

  2. Love the party hat with Frosted Flakes! It's a hat, it's a snack!

  3. I just love all the colors! Your week looks like a lot more fun than mine! I need to work on that. It was cool that you mentioned MOPS -- I was sooo into MOPS when my son was a PSer. He's 11 going on 12 now.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.