Monday, June 22, 2009

Week in Review: June 15-21

First day of summer? It was so cold that was hard to believe! We had a lovely Father's Day anyway. At the park. Eating take-out Chinese & jet skiing. Random, right? That's how I like it!
And what is up with Mr. WhiMSy love wanting me to snap all these photos of him now? Up until just recently he was such a stinker butt when I tried to take his picture. Now he's all up in my face & nagging. I'm not complaining at all! It's just funny.
The girls & I went to the Farmer's Market for the first time this season. I could come home with flowers or sweet breads or handmade soaps every time & be a happy camper. What? There's veggies too? I didn't notice from behind my GIANT bag of kettle corn.
I'm gearing up for my 2nd week of summer break. Now that my BFF is back from Mexico (hola amiga!) we might do some park hopping. I scouted out a big ole list of parks in the area---from the tiny neighborhood parks to the community parks---& we may just have to bag lunch it all summer from park to park until we've exhausted our list.
I may be M.I.A. for a while as I plan like heck for a certain little girl's birthday party this weekend. Eek! I'm pretty certain the words "simple", "modest" & "easy as pie" will describe the end results.
Here's to a happy {warm} Monday my friends!
(*Click on the picture mosaic for a photo play-by-play.)


  1. Haha! The kettle corn gets me every time, too! As a matter of fact, I have to admit, it sometimes becomes my supper that day. Now there's a healthy habit!

  2. We really would be friends in real life...park hopping - do ALL the time!! kettle corn...yummy.and I am totally drawn to the same items at farmer's markets too!
    I Finally got out my glass paints today and am working on some sweet little teacups for miss m's 6th b-day next month. Also, my mom's b-day is today and when she arrives from out of state on Wednesday, she will be receiving a new work out outfit hanging on some pretty neat wooden hangers a certain someone told me about!
    Also, I can't imagine being COLD was in teh 90's at my house!!

  3. LOL KETTLE CORN!!! Yes, that is our first stop after the Cheesecake Brownie stand. MMMMMM Who goes to the Farmer's Market for fresh veggies and fruit anymore?! LOL

    BTW, I'm coming out of Whimsy Love lurkdom. :) Love reading your blog. We are going to be making your Cupcake Planter today!! Found THE perfect planter to use. Now off to paint! :) TFS!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.