Monday, July 13, 2009

Week in Review

I love summer. Simple as that. And what I love most is the l a z y clock my girls & I seem to follow each day.

This week I got to do a lot of playin' & craftin'!
I had fun peeking at my grandpa's old cameras & equipment. And I suddenly got very inspired to finally do something about my recent interest in TTV photography. Yesterday I bid for (& won) an old Kodak Duaflex camera from Ebay. I can't wait to get it!

I'm also leisurely organizing my creative space in-between park visits, swimming lessons & crafty projects. It's looking oh-so-clean! I get into these swells of wanting things extremely tidy & organized. I'm in one now. I actually found some great tips that are helping me & just might be worthy of staying with my daily routine.

And, um, I can't fail to mention one of the highlights of my week: Friday's blog visits at over 6,200!! Yahoo! I don't know how even I'll top that one!! Thanks for the visits, clicks & comments!

Happy Monday!

*Click on the picture mosaic for a photo play-by-play.


  1. i hate winter. simple as that. (but i'm so glad you're enjoying YOUR summer nik!)

  2. i love that camera! but how will you develop the film?

  3. Well first off because of you and your excitement over it, I just bid on the same type of camera on Ebay Canada. LOL Now, I am hoping and praying for a lovely little tutorial on your blog on how to do this TTV photography. You have me intrigued!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.