Monday, August 24, 2009

Week in Review

What a silly fun week! I sure hope you're not sick of hearing about the Bug Catcher Necklaces. It was the highlight of this week in the little WhiMSy love household. The girls & I have been making them every day. (I had to start helping out--they don't seem to get the concept of "supply & demand". haha!) They sold 3 of 'em the first day they were listed! I'm thinking they'll make GREAT prezzies for the Christmas Bazaar I'll be participating in this year too! We're getting lots of stock ready for the show! And the cutest thing EVER was that the girls each made a purchase with their earnings. Pazely bought some marbles & Zoey bought a hula hoop. It's been a great learning lesson for them too: understanding that we have to pay for supplies & fees, but we also get to make neato tags, invent cool packaging, fill orders & have fun makin' stuff!

Oh yeah, & that hula hoop? My girls & I took some candid snapshots jumping THROUGH it. My hula hoopy photo is not as cute as theirs. But maybe I'll post it later this week so you can get a good chuckle. Because, that's why I'm here: to amuse you.

Oh, how I'm mourning the end of summer. This is the final week of chillin' like a villain. School is sneaking up too quickly. I seriously have pitter patters in my tummy. And I feel like I'm never going to see Zoey. She'll be gone all morning & afternoon. This will be just horrible! And I'm super nervous for Pazely---a Kindergartner!? That just doesn't seem right.

Well, I will try my darnedest to give my girls a great "Last Week of Summer"!
*Click on the photo mosaic for a photo play-by-play.*

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Olivia won't be going to head start this year (unless people drop out) so while I'm sad for her since she wants to go to school, for selfish reasons I'm happy because I'm not ready for her to be out in the world with me. :)


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