Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Speaking of Advent...

Tia got my girls a Barbie Advent calendar & it has been QUITE fun! I even get all excited when they open the window to reveal a little Barbie prize every day. Smart bargain shopper that she is, I think Tia got it on clearance at the end of the holiday season last year. If I see any this year, I'm gonna snag 'em up for next year too. They are super fun & a great compromise to those chocolate ones. I'm not a big fan of kids + candy.

Poor Zoey went to school today, & an hour-n-a-half later Mr. WhiMSy love & I got a call from the school nurse that Zoey had gotten sick. She is home now. Pazely was sick this weekend. It must be all the new Nebraska germs.

I continue to unpack. But it's not so much like unwrapping Christmas presents like I thought it was gonna be. Thanks for all your comments & encouragment. Don't stop. (hee hee) You may not realize how much your comments mean to me, but I LOVE GETTING THEM!!! And when I see a lovely blog fan has left a lovely comment, my heart goes pitter-patter...


  1. One pitter patter more to the jar :)


  2. We've been getting sick on and off here too. Never ever fun! I hope your little one feels better soon!

  3. No unpacking is not so much like Christmas but YOU CAN DO IT! That photo is fun (despite the poor sick child) I think we are going to try some of those this weekend!

  4. Advent calendars are fun! What a fun gift from Tia!!

    Sorry to hear that Zoey is sick... Praying she gets well soon!!!

  5. Can I just tell you thanks for your song! The three little birds =). I have had a horrible year (though it doesn't show on my blog, some things should remain private). I needed that song today!
    So just wanted to say Thank You =)

  6. sorry you've got a sickie poo...just a wierd question, what do you do with all the "saran wrap" after you unpack?:)

  7. carmen---I thought about collecting it & making the world's largest saran ball.
    Instead, I am just throwing it away.

  8. Oh you should! you could be in the record books, LOL..or you could be the new preacher's odd wife who has a giant ball of saran wrap.


    My heart goes pitter-pat when I get blog comments, too. ^_^

  10. Love the picture. Is she the sick one or merely annoyed :-)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.