Monday, February 22, 2010

Week in Review

A busier week than usual. A good busy. And it snowed! In fact, as I type away it's still snowing---3 days straight!

I do have a more jam-packed week coming up though:
•book-art making
•getting my Nebraska driver's license
•Virtual Bowling Bash planning (& the event is this Saturday!)•women's ministry meeting at church
•working at the newspaper (now twice a week!)
•column writing
•shop photos to take (I think my computer will arrive this week which means I can get back to the Etsy grind!)
•craftiness (because, you know, not enough craftiness makes for a grumpy Nikki)

Happy Monday!!

*Click on the picture mosaic for a photo play-by-play.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Do you have a tutorial on how to do the adorable collages you post on week in review?

    Love them,

  2. I love how you capture each event of your week in photo and let the pictures tell the stories.

  3. Love the balloons shot. Love it in the last post. Love it in this one. Just love it. ^_^

  4. The Whimsy Love Column is the best addition to the Bridgeport Newsblade in 40 years! So cool! Looking forward to that each week. We're loving your blog and your outstanding western Nebraska photo journalism too! It's fun to see the familiar western Nebraska landmarks through the eyes of an artist!

    Scott and Kristina Rehling
    Austin, TX
    Bridgeport High School Class of 1986


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.