Monday, March 1, 2010

Week in Review

My busy week is over! Phew! And I learned that "busy" does not always have to be synonymous with "grumpy" or "hurried".

The Virtual Bowling Bash was a lot of fun. And you can't tell from that little picture of me in my vintage & embellished bowling shirt, but I looked cute. (*haha!*) I decorated the place with over 300 little black & pink squares of posterboard. I was also the prize girl, handing out goodies all night. We had almost 2 dozen Wii bowlers show up. And lots of awesome volunteers. I think it was most definitely a successful event. Remember that hairy headed bowling trophy from the "Bedhead Olympics" post? The idea for our Wii Virtual Bowling Bash was originally inspired by that.

I got to eat at The Wonderful House last week. It's only the best Chinese restaurant on the planet. I have had takeout from there twice before, but never actually dined in. I even got to drink "Chinese" tea. It brings to me good & smile-worthy memories.

My computer is still not here. This whole time I thought it was having happy traveling adventures on its way back home. But nope. Finally, after a few phone calls, my hubby received an email informing us of the shipping date & a tracking number. *Come to mama!!*

I'm working on a crafty tute. Yippee! My blog app for the iPhone keeps kicking me out though. Info overload? Too many pictures? Too much crafty goodness for one post? I don't know. But it's bugging the bajeezee's outta me. I'll keep trying...

I had a such a pleasant week of happy comments & emails. People expressed their fondness for the "WhiMSy love (in print)" newspaper column. It really made my heart swell & I felt all ooey gooey good inside. Thank you for the sweet messages!

I look forward to these Monday "Week in Review" posts, so I can ramble on about random subjects.

Today is Nebraska's birthday? I just heard this on the radio. Well, I may need to make some cupcakes or something.

Happy Monday!

*Click on the picture mosaic for a photo play-by-play.

♥ Nikki

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Happy sounds like you had a busy week :)

  2. Well, Happy Birthday Nebraska.

    Now I want cupcakes :-)

  3. Sounds like a fun time! We have bookstore coffee shop places for you to twirl around in! Come to Portland and twirl!! :) xoxo

  4. Any reason to make cupcakes! Happy Birthday Nebraska!

    Also, have been getting mass comments on your button rings :) have been referring people to your Etsy shop :)

    Told Jer aboutyour bedhead olympics... told him I wished I was as cool a mom as you are ;)

    miss you guys...

  5. I agree, busy doesn't have to mean grumpy. I love being busy with the things and people I love; it's actually what makes me happy.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.