Monday, March 28, 2011

Furniture Silhouettes: Revisited

A Dutch newspaper wants to do an article about my furniture silhouettes!
It's probably totally bad luck to squeal about it before it actually happens.
But I don't care.
UPDATE: OK, so this is a lesson in squealing too soon. My furniture silhouettes didn't make it in time for the deadline. Sadness to inifinity...


  1. I think every news paper in the world should do an article on your CREATIVITY!!!!!!

  2. Yea what km said! :) I think this is sooo cool... I'm squealing too!! Now, all you have to do is find someone who can translate the article for you. LOL

  3. Apparently, I have been living under a rock because I am just now hearing about your awesome furniture silhouettes. WOW! Sorry to hear that the article fell through -- hope this leads to something even more amazing! :-)

  4. Another article, bigger and badder will come along. I love this idea are exploding with good ideas!!


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