Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer Diary Day 7: Playing Tourist

Today we played tourist. Well, I suppose we've been playing tourist the whole time we've been in Lincoln &/or Omaha. We walked the city streets. Discovered some unique & independent shops. Ate at fun restaurants. We even let the girls direct our travels: Zoey had been eyeing these statues in downtown Omaha, & so we pulled over & let the girls run around. I cannot believe how giddy & squealy Zoey was at getting to play around & on these statues.
Scott, on his cell phone..."Hello, AAA? We need some roadside assistance ASAP!"

One of my most favorite jumpy shots ever! Outside the Qwest Convention Center in Omaha.

To view the rest of the pics from our mini Lincoln/Omaha vacation, click HERE.

I leave my sweet babies early tomorrow morning as I fly to Washington. The hubby & girls drive me to the airport & then they'll take the long drive back home sans mommy. I'm EXTREMELY nervous about the plane ride. But I've got my knitting. And writing supplies. And reading material. And doodle equipment. So, hopefully that'll help to distract me. I doubt it will though. haha!
Tia picks me up in Spokane & I'm pretty sure it'll be a memorable 2 1/2 hour ride home to see my grandmother & mom & dad & sisters & brother.

1 comment:

  1. I loved looking at all your Omaha pictures, brings back so many memories. We are headed back that way for a Kid Rock concert in July and will be staying at the Brandeis building in downtown. I look forward to taking my kids to the Old Market and going to Spaghetti Works. Good Times.
    Enjoy your trip Spokane!


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