Saturday, May 28, 2011

Summer Diary Day 8: Cartoon Drawing Kits

Dear Summer Diary,
The next 6 days on my blog have actually been written 2 weeks ago. I got my blogger-self in order & scheduled these posts since I knew I'd be away on a pretty special trip. I'm assuming that I've had a most wonderful time with my hubby & girls on our Lincoln/Omaha family vacation. The shuttle has picked me up from the hotel to take me to the airport on our last day here, as I leave my family to finish packing the suitcases & head back home to Bridgeport. I hate flying. HATE IT! And flying alone? WORSE THAN FLYING WITH SOMEONE. I am a ding dong & a klutz most often & so I'm hoping I don't get lost or get on the wrong plane or end up in some random country halfway around the world. Going to the movies alone? I love it! Spending time by myself at home? Bring it! Grocery shopping solo? I can totally handle it! Unaccompanied in an unfamiliar city, in a big ole airport, about to get on a giant airplane for a trip in the clouds? Me no likey. I become a jumble of nerves & awkwardness.

(Can't wait to see my grandmother!!!! And my sister Kelby that I met last December! And her hubby Ryan! And one of my other sisters Stacie & one of my brothers, Andrew! And my mom & dad! And Tia!)

For now I think about my hubby as he takes a 6+ hour drive home with 2 little ones. He's so brave. I really hope it's a stressless adventure for them. I've packaged up little crafty kits for the girls while I'm gone. Daddy can give them one every day. Today they can open their first package. And I'm hoping it'll be perfect for taking up a bit of time along the way. They will be doodling in their cartoon drawing kits I picked up at Joanne's for $1 each. I've made sure to send along extra colored pencils. The kit only comes with 4 colors. And I think more color equals more fun.
I found a little site that shows kids how to draw about a dozen cartoons. I really like the way it shows you the step-by-step instructions in a simple way. Click HERE for 'Draw & Color with Uncle Fred'.


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