Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Diary Day 44: Fireworks & Stuff

Dear summer diary,
We had a day full of friends & fun. BBQ'd up some sausages, sliced up another watermelon---I'm averaging one a week. (Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em!!) And I found these adorable mini ice cream cones at the grocers. (Little things make the day more fun!)

We played Guitar Hero III, I knitted some, & then daddy & his friends went a little crazy with the fireworks. We walked down the road to purchase them. On the way home we were popping each other with those snap pops. Only this year, we found some new & improved snap pops on steroids.
The girls had a blast watching the fireworks! I had fun too, until I got soaked by the sprinklers, kept getting hit by fireworks (I'm like a magnet to those things!) & dropped my big girl camera. (I think all is well---so far---with the camera. But, gosh, how traumatizing!)
I work on the evening of the 4th, so I suppose I got what I could out of the July 3rd festivities. Really wanted to go to the Rodeo this year, but didn't.
It's gettin' to be pretty hot outside, so I predict some wet water fun in our near future...
(I don't think it's big enough.)


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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.