Friday, September 9, 2011

Right now, I'm loving...

...borrowing Mr. WhiMSy love's laptop & watching Project Runway on You Tube. I don't know who you are vi2mic, but I love you for organizing my all-time favorite show into easily watchable episodes. You pretty much rock.

...knitting. I'm working on a Christmas prezzie scarf right now in the raspberry stitch & it's really slow-going, but it's so much fun to work at it bit by bit & watch it transform before my eyes.

...breakfasts of tomato juice. And rice cakes. Or yogurt with granola. Friday morning weigh-in's. Don't know if I've even shared this with my blog readers, but for the last 3 months, I've been working on achieving a more healthy lifestyle---as in eating more healthy & losing some weight. I'm not on a "diet" per se, but simply watching my portions & giving up more sweets (not ALL sweets) & carbs (not ALL carbs). Eating more veggies & fruits too. I'm not being so hard on my self. Just realistic. I facebook during the week with my mom & best friend Tia. We encourage each other, etc. & then weigh-in every Friday. I have lost 17 pounds thus far! I've got a long way to go, but couldn't be happier at my progress. Now if only I could get motivated to exercise, I'd be a rockstar in NO time...

...gearing up for a mini family vacay to Denver next week. (We need a break, & we've never been to Denver!) It's in correlation with Zoey's birthday. The girls will miss a day, maybe 2, of school. (*gasp!*) It's all part of our plan to do more family stuff together & create memories for birthdays, rather than spending money on parties & prezzies all the time. It'll be a bit of a shock to the party-planning part of my brain, but I think it'll be a wonderful change of pace & I CAN'T WAIT TO GET TO DENVER!!

...all the planning going on for September Crafty Night. I'll be making a big ole crockpot of corn chowder for Crafty Night dinner. And the craft we're making involves concocting a yummy drink mix, perfect for fall weather. The embellishments & materials I've got for packaging them up as gifts include autumn paper die-cuts & brown felt & ribbons striped in warm colors. I'm hoping to light yummy fall scented candles & decorate as much as I can-- with what little time I have!

...reading the Little House on the Prairie series to the girls. We finished book #2 last night.

...simplifying my life. It's a ponderous process, a necessary one. And I'm loving it.


  1. Love the socks.
    I think your realistic approach will be much more successful (and 17 pounds later, sounds like it's working well!)

  2. Hi Nikki-

    It's so awesome to hear things settling in and feeling good!

  3. saludafarmgirl@me.comSeptember 09, 2011 5:02 PM

    congratulations on your weight loss! I wish I lived closer, your craft nights look like alot of FUN!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.