Sunday, June 17, 2012


The 2 winners of the Mod Podge Rocks! book are...
Coley, who mentioned, "Love that suitcase."
Alanna, who stated "Loves me the Mod Podge. It makes a crafty girls' decoupage boxes fabulous."

The 2 winners of the Hand in Hand: crafting with kids are...
Holly, who said: "My grandma was amazingly crafty, and my favorite craft with my Grandma was making flowers from wire, fabric, glue and florist's wire and tape. We would make bouquets with them. <3"
Rika, who remarked, "I love it when my mom taught me to knit. Not sure if it was the knitting I like or just being able to sit with her and share time together. Maybe both?! LOVE your blog and read regularly. Cheers from Darwin Australia." 

Congratulations to everyone who won, & thanks to those who participated!
I love me some crafty books, so this was a fun giveaway for me to host!
I'll be emailing you shortly & shipping your books soon!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So excited. Thanks for the hosting the give away, Nikki!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.