Saturday, June 9, 2012

Summer Diary: Day 15: Paper Rockets

Another Pinterest idea! And a super easy one too!
Click HERE for the direct link to curious kangaroos, with instructions.

The girls & I used a piece of paper that was 3" x 5 3/4". 
But you can experiment with your own sizes too.
 Zoey got quite ambitious, ready to double-launch her rockets!

I found it helpful to wrap the paper around the pencil BEFORE drawing on it, & then mark it with a different pencil, to get an idea of what actual space would be seen.

I used a red marker to scribble in the surface area that would be seen once your rocket is finished. (I used a red marker because the pencil markings were too light in the photo.) This step is not necessary of course. The girls & I had fun sketching all over the whole piece of paper. But if you have a specific design that you want to be centered & seen, then do this step first. Just a little tip.

 We had races to see who could launch theirs the farthest.
I also made a smaller one, but it didn't fly as far as the larger (heavier) rockets.


  1. This is a great idea! My grandsons come every summer to spend a few weeks with their father and I get to have them a couple of times during their visit. I've been collecting all sorts of kid's activities for this year since I'm unable to afford the local children's museum anymore...they're really proud of their museum, I suppose, since they decided to make the cost prohibitive to the vast majority in this city!!

    Pinterest has been my source also for these great and fun projects. I must have missed this one..thanks for posting.


  2. This is an adorable idea! i'm going to share on my social media {I wish I knew your twitter handle so I could tag you}

    1. Hi Hilary! Thanks so much. My twitter handle is @whimsylove

  3. So fun!! Love this idea. And, love that it is simple!!

  4. oh yeah, my boy is going to be all over this,ok me too :-)
    great indoor project to keep him busy AND happy while I finish making supper. can I holler THANK YA!!!!!!!

  5. This is pure genius! Why have I never thought of this? One to go on the summer bucket list I think.

  6. Just found this on Pinterest. I will be sharing your site with the adult childcare/preschool teachers I work with. Fun, inexpensive, and non-damaging! Thanks so much!!


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