Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Diary: Day 17: Read & Doodle

I love reading to my girls. We are currently reading the 7th book in the Little House series, Little Town on the Prairie. Today Pazely & I spread a blanket on the lawn. While I read chapter 2, she sketched, finding inspiration from the words I was reading.

She drew pictures in a large sketchbook I recently gave her. She liked my idea of drawing something every day--a task I started at the beginning of this year, but miserably failed at shortly after I began. I'm hoping she'll be more dedicated. I love peeking at her artwork.

We miss Zoey, especially in our summer fun today. But we know she's having a good time of her own. In fact, she recently called. I asked her, "How are you?" She replied, "I'm AWESOME!!" She's had a little bunkbed head injury, but I think she'll be fine after a quick visit with the nurse.

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