Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Diary: Day 27: Chin Puppets

 This idea came about as the girls & I were hanging out in my bedroom. I was reading to them & they were tickling me & we were all screaming & then all of a sudden I thought, "Let me go grab the face paint & let's do chin puppets!"
I know, totally random. But that's how we roll.

I painted the girls' chins with some cream makeup that I got on clearance around Halloween at Walmart. They sell regular little tubes of face paint at Walmart or craft stores year round too though.

To make the chin wigs, I simply cut yarn in about 12" lengths & very loosely tied it in the middle. This is the "part" in the middle of the hair. Cut the hair to the length you want. I tied braids in one & left the other one regular. We originally had pigtails in the orange hair, but I couldn't get them to sit right & I had some impatient girls wanting to get the chin action going. At one point there were even tears. Pazely was mad at Zoey about something & started crying. All I could do was shout, "Don't cry! You'll mess your chin up!!"

This was the set up before I photographed the chin puppets. I piled the two couch seat cushions on the floor & had the girls lay down on them:

Then  I put on the chin wigs with some duct tape rolled around itself. (And Zoey's face is not one of "pain", but of the blood rushing to her head. We took frequent breaks during the photo shoot. haha!)

And then I used pillow cases to cover the girls up:

 This is Zoey's chin puppet:

 This is Pazely's:

 We laughed sooooo hard!!!!!

This is Zoey's painted creation on my chin:

 And this is Pazely's. Both girls photographed me wearing the makeup they painted. Pazely didn't quite understand that the sheets/pillowcases were supposed to hide anything in the background, but oh well.

Click HERE to see Chin Girl singing a cover of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" from her #1 selling album "Not By the Hair of My Chinny-Chin-Chin".


  1. That is hilarious! I'm sitting here with my 8yo and 6 yo daughters laughing! Thanks! We'll have to try making our own chin puppets! Loved the song!

  2. too great! you are so wonderfully creative and full of fun and life!

  3. haha that is amazing I'm going to have to do this with my daughter, just love it :)

  4. Another proof that we must be kindred spirits. Chin puppets....gets me EVERY time! ;-D

  5. Oh my... This totally made my day! It's so hilarous!!


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