Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday Ramblings.

Spring is coming! Spring is coming! Oh, look at the beautiful buds & blossoms! The sad thing is that these are not even from my yard. THESE are....

...and I think they might be weeds. The girls picked them for me while we were out Sunday afternoon enjoying a spot of sunshine. Our front yard does not get a lot of daylight & near the house is a strip of dirt DYING for some flowers. I was told that our yard basically sucks for growing anything & that's why the strip of dirt has remained a strip of dirt for a long, long while. I've gotten a bug to prove the naysayers wrongs. I WILL grow something pretty! I WILL! I will.

Oh, I had a fabulous "Nikki Time" Saturday, as usual! I escaped to my favorite thrift shop: Value Village & scored a few GREAT items! Look at what I got! For just under 7 bucks, I got these 7 "Days of the Week" dishtowels. I don't know if they are vintage or not. Either way, they're definitely handmade. Even the seams on the sides are hand stitched. They are in excellent condition too. And they at least LOOK vintage. I have seen these in other places over the past few years & thought it would always be fun to own some. I'm so glad someone made them for me.

I always find fun vintage aprons & this one is going in the shop this week. It's in SUPER condition & it's pink & white with brown cross-stitched butterflies! Sweet! I also purchased a couple large fabric remnants that I can't wait to play with.

After "Nikki Time", I surprised the girls with our "Mini Spa Fun Day". They loved it! I had goodie bags for them filled with crafty things & girly things, we painted & played with clay, painted fingernails & toenails, I gave them foot massages, they helped prepare a spaghetti feast, we had a shopping spree at the dollar store, they took a giant bubble bath, & I prepared a special blackberry shortcake dessert. My 5 year old said, "Mom, I think I'm falling in love with you." (HAHA!) & both girls kept voicing their extreme happiness at what a fun day it was. I totally had kid overload by the end of the day. The photo of my toothless 3 year old looks like she's imitating Frankenstein, but she's really showing off her fancy nails. Weird kid. She must take after her....OH. Nevermind. I'm lucky if I get an unblurred picture of that one. She's a wiggler & a bouncer & a mover.

I was hoping for a drool-worthy picture of the dessert, but this will have to do. I don't even know if it's considered a "shortcake". It's just those store-bought dessert cups filled with berries & cool whip. Whatever it's called, the girls thought it was cool & that's all that matters really.

Over in the world of "WhiMSy love" I've got a batch of new Spring-a-licious vintage button rings available. Click on photo to be taken to 'Vintage Button Ring Boulevard'.

I'm finding myself all over the place--as usual--in the crafty sense. But, fabrics, & sewing & little projects involving material & needles & the like are making my heart pitter-patter at the moment. I don't have any specific project in mind, but just this little urgency to sew, sew, sew! I'm really teaching myself as I go, but I love the feeling I get when I complete a sewn project.

I'm also working on a new cupcake character. Here's a sketch peek...
Later my little "WhiMSY love"-ers! Oh, & Happy Saint Patty's Day!
Peace & Cupcakes,


  1. i have extreme faith in your green thumbness.
    those dish towels are an awesome find. makes me want to embroider some myself.
    and the dessert was quite drool-worthy. iam wishing i had picked up the makings at the store now. next trip definitly.
    and i need to get you to turn those buttons into a broach for me. i am not much of a ring wearer but love me some broaches!

  2. Love the dish towels! And sounds like you and the girls had a BLAST! (Are you sure you don't wanna adopt a reindeer?? Puh-leeze??? :)

  3. i would love to go 'op-shopping' with you sometime! what great finds, and that spa day sounds like so much fun. your girls will remember it for ages. it inspires me!

  4. I think you are the best mommy in the world!

  5. If all else fails with the gardening--well, not fails per se but meets with incomplete success--you can always get some cool thrifted containers and plant away! Good luck, some nice finds : )

  6. vintage or not, those dishtowels are amazing! feeling a little jealous here :) great find!


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