Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hello on a Tuesday!

I got gifties! I got gifties!!! Sue, a New Zealand blog buddy at My Home Wellingtontown, sent me some surprise goodies. Just because. Isn't that the best?
This adorable handmade piece was a thrifted find.

And THEN, Sue spoke my language. She sent the cutest cupcake socks & seriously, the most fun cupcake stickers I've ever seen in my whole life. It's so hard to use them when they are so cute. I'm thinking of making up a bunch of giftie tags with some of 'em. Thanks Sue! You rock crafty friend!

And look who's been a busy little worker!! This weekend was my best weekend yet! I partially credit it to my Etsy front page fame & to Mother's Day coming very soon.

At the last minute I realized I didn't have any freebies for my packages, so I came up with vintage button flowers. Each order in the month of May will receive a sweet button flower, complete with felt leaf.

I was able to get some more photos this weekend of my "Writing on the Wall" book art. This one is in the shop.

The girls & I are going to watch Mr. WhiMSy love tonight at his first softball game with the league he just joined. He hasn't done anything like this for years & he said he'll just be happy if he hits the ball. I don't care if he makes a hit or not. I'm just excited to see him in his uniform.
All I can say is.....sizzle.


  1. hey! i'm so glad you like your goodies! i love the way you've photographed the sox and stickers. happy tuesday! (altho it's wednesday here already lol)

  2. i know what you mean its like living out your own personal "bull durham"

  3. And will you be posting a pic of Mr. "Sizzle" in his uniform?? LOL! :)

  4. What fun stuff!! I'm so glad that your store is thriving!!!


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