Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Day-After Christmas!

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas day & that the holiday happiness continues this day! I had a very relaxing day with my family. After opening presents... (In the picture above you can see my wee one opening her stocking & finding the orange at the bottom. My mom always did that to my brother, sister & my stocking growing up, so now I do it to my kids.)
...we had breakfast in a bag...

...& "happy cakes". That's what my girls call "cinnamon rolls".
Then the girls & I were off to more holiday fun at their Mimi & Papa's house with cousins, aunts, uncles, a "G.G." (their Great Grandma) & lots of other family! I played a Wii for the first time. (My parents got one to have at their house for when kids & grandkids come over.) It was SO much fun! I whooped my brother at bowling & tennis & then we played baseball & golf. I suck at those. I think there might be a night of Wii competition in the works...
All the holiday excitement got the girls pooped out early. I even did a strange thing---I went to bed early too! (Well, after I lined up all my gifts & had another peek at my giftie stash. haha! Did you ever do that as a kid?)
Can't wait to show off the handmade gifts I gave this year! I stayed up until 2am Christmas morning finishing them up----while Mr. WhiMSy love put together a giant Barbie-style dollhouse for our oldest daughter. What a pain in the crafty butt if you ask me! I'm so glad he did it, & not me. I just quietly worked on sewing my gifties & listened to him grumble under his breath from a distance.
My list of handmade items was lots less this year. I only made & gave stuff to the girlies of the family. But they were LOVED much & got the best giggles & grins!
Ok, I'm really, really, really hoping to get some sledding in FOR REALS today. Haven't had a chance all winter.
Stay warm & cozy & drinks lots of cocoa!


  1. So,how did the dog vs. Barbie house go over with the girls? Eveyrone happy? I held good thoughts for you! My niece got the same dog.

  2. you need to tell me that breakfast in a bag recipe...I've never heard of it!!!

    Glad you had a wonderful Christmas. I've wanted to try a Wii too!!!


  3. I always got an orange in the bottom of my stocking also!!

  4. Looks like you had a ton of fun! Merry Christmas :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.