Friday, July 31, 2009

Camping or BUST!

I'm busy gearing up for a fun weekend of camping. The park we're camping at is only 20-30 minutes away. But it'll be great for a first family camping trip. Bummer of all bummers---all my relatives from California & western Washington have cancelled! The heat has scared them all away. (Wimps.) haha! (It's supposed to be 107 degrees tomorrow!)

So, instead of being out there all alone in camp city, my super duper friend Tia & her family are going camping with us!! And, guess who decided to put on his campy pants & join in on the fun? Mr. WhiMSy love!! (It's a miracle!!) I'm SOOOO excited!

I expect lots of zany antics, silliness & laughter. Oh & oodles of s'mores-n-campfire fun! Yahoo! I can't wait!!

P.S. I'll be back Monday!

P.P.S The "FREE JULY SHIPPING" offer at WhiMSy love is extended through August 2nd!

P.P.P.S. And yes, I did make that banner. I shoulda been packing & planning & checking things off my to-do list. But...


  1. You are like the best fun Mom ever! I hope you all have a great time =)

  2. Cute banner!!!

    I'm a Cali girl and it's been over 100 here....what's their deal? :)

  3. 107 degrees, and you're going camping? Oh man! Ack!

  4. Feel free to stop by onepinkfish to pick up a blog award. You ddeserve it!


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