Monday, May 14, 2012

Week in Review: May 7-13

Last week I...
...planned my last Crafty Night.
...left 40+ handmade goodies around town with my girls. my Kindness story published in the local paper.
...played with Herb.
...made delicious crockpot mac-n-cheese.
...went on a coffee date with the Mr.
...watched "The Voice" finale. (So sad it's over! Can't wait until next season!)
...made apple caramel dip for Teacher Appreciation gifts.
...planned crazy fun games for youth group.
...went on a dinner & a movie date with the Mr.
...had a "make-yer-own-pizza" night with the fam.
...taught Pazely's 2nd grade class how to paint roses with celery. (And they made cards for their moms for Mother's Day.)
...purged a bit more of the art studio.
...did a cartwheel. (Last one I'll prolly ever do. Ever. I mean it.)
...had a lovely & relaxing Mother's Day.
...ate cupcakes.
...talked the Mr. into letting Zoey keep a pet salamander. He's only a tadpole yet.
...started thinking about summer! (10 days left of school...)

Click HERE for a photo play-by-play.

1 comment:

  1. What a happy and fun post. Congrats on getting into the paper and for doing a cartwheel. :-)


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