Monday, December 8, 2014

DIY: Cork Gnomes

One day a friend of a friend was getting rid of OODLES of champagne corks. Like, a garbage bag full of them. The crafty hoarder in me took charge & I started stuffing handfuls of them into my backpack, like a crazy cork-obsessed lady. I didn't stop to think, "Why does this friend of my friend have so many champagne corks anyway? Should I set up an intervention?" No. I was trying to find extra pockets to cram the corks into. In reality, I probably needed the intervention. I had no idea what I was going to do with the corks. None. Until one day I looked at a cork & thought, "I can totally make this into a gnome!" And that's how this project came to be.

You can use a wine cork instead, but the measurements listed in this project may have to be adjusted. 


The Crazy Crafty Christmas Countdown is a D.I.Y. project every day from Black Friday through Christmas Eve.
So be sure to check back often!
Click HERE (or the logo on the sidebar) for a list of all the current Crazy Crafty Christmas Countdown posts.


  1. I am really enjoying your 4-C posts thus far; thank you so much for doing this! I especially like this project, as I have a bagful of wine corks left over from my husband's wine-drinking days. (he's now switched to craft beers, so I also now have a bag of beer caps I'm going to craft with...someday!)

  2. This is one of the cutest things ever!!!!!!

  3. these are so cute!! And a great excuse to accumulate more wine corks...


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