Monday, July 21, 2008

Fun Felt Art!

I must tell you that the inspiration from this project came from a book that my 5 year old received as a gift from my mom a couple years ago. It was a book that came with a pouch filled with all sorts of felt pieces. It was spiral bound with different pages---an "outer space" page, a "garden" page, an "underwater sea" page---that you could decorate with the felt pieces. I made an inexpensive version for my youngest daughter & both girls play with their felt art kits for HOURS! Even I get caught up in all the felt fun!
If you're confused about what the heck in the world I'm talking on....

The supplies you'll need are: a pair of scissors, sticky backed felt (or you can fuse them together with iron-on fusible web), & lots of different colors of felt. Optional supplies are: small pom-poms, rick-rack, & yarn.

I found pieces of felt with a tacky back at the dollar store. I took two different colors & stuck them together. You could just use one regular piece of felt without a sticky back if you want to. The two pieces simply give 2 different backgrounds for creating your felt masterpiece.

Next you'll want to cut up LOTS of different shapes & sizes & colors of felt. I just grabbed the rectangular felt pieces sold at my local fabric store for about 20cents each. Or, you can purchase felt on the bolt by the yard.

To be honest, I copied a lot of the shapes that came with my daughter's felt book. You can use straight-edged scissors or decorative-edged scissors to cut your felt.
Short pieces of yarn & small pom-poms also make creating a felt masterpiece fun!
That's it!!! Wasn't the super easy??? Now look at some of the artwork we created with our felt art kits....
You could also paint your felt sheets with puffy paint to create different background scenes. Example: stars & planets for an outerspace theme, grass for a garden theme, waves & water for an ocean theme, etc.
When you're finished having a felt-tastic time, roll up your felt sheet....
...& tuck it away inside a handy pouch. Because of lack-o-time, I purchased this zipper pouch at the dollar store. But you could also make one lickety split! This felt art kit is great for car trips, long waits at the doctor, great for kids to make WITH you & tucks away nicely in your game cupboard.

My daughter came home from the hospital today after surgery & I tucked her felt art kit inside a "sick box" I made.

The "sick box" is simply a box I covered in pretty paper & filled with fun things for her to do while chillin' out & kickin' back in bed, where she is supposed to be resting for the next 2 weeks.

BONUS ART PROJECT!!!!! I came up with this one all on my own. I found 2 of these vintage wooden gold-painted frames at a yard sale for 75cents each. (You're jealous, I know.) I placed the same doubled sided pieces of felt inside the frame. Then, I backed it with a piece of cardboard the exact same size--to give it sturdiness. I decorated it with felt cupcakes & hung it on my wall for an ever-changing art piece. When I feel in the mood for different art, I will change the felt shapes & make something new. Isn't that awesome???

It's an updated version of the felt story boards I remember as a kid in Sunday school class. HAHA!

This is another one of my "Summer Fun Ideas" & also a project I'll be teaching at my MOPS (Mothers Of PreSchoolers) group next year.


  1. Wonderful! When I was your daughter's age, the world revolved around felt. I think it might be time to delve back into that soft colourful world of endless possibilities.

    I must keep an eye on your blog to see your beautiful white accordion!

  2. Love your blog! Very nice layout :)

  3. What a colorful fun blog!

    A really neat idea with the felt, and a good way to keep kids occupied.

    Got to go look around, nice to meet you. :-)


  4. that is just TOO CUTE!!! love the felt cupcakes

  5. great! i love the whimsy and the love :)


  6. So fun - thanks for sharing! Love the frames...yeah, I'm jealous. :)

  7. I love the sick box... what a great way to make someone feel better... I used to be allowed to play with my moms costume jewlry box when I was sick...

    I love felt... I have a stash that needs me to work with it again:)

  8. So cute!! Love the framed felt board, this would be adorable in a play room at kid height -- I think "Steve" from Blue's Clues has one hanging in his house : )


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