Monday, October 29, 2007

I Think I Got it Right This Time!

So, those of you who guessed my "mystery" picture a few posts ago were correct---it was a garland! I just listed the Sweet & Shabby Christmas Garland in the shop today! It was very hard to photograph. I had all these visions of taking the perfect picture with the beautiful garland draped on a tree, but that just didn't happen. Hopefully people will get the idea even without a full-length tree shot.

But, my blog friends can at least see my attempt at taking a full tree picture. HAHA! Look at how I just pushed the pumpkin decorations back, plopped the tree on the table & took a picture! (Crazy doll head girl is even looking on!) You can't even see the garland very well.

AND, I completed a cupcake ornament today & I am VERY happy with it! YAY! No more ugly cupcakes! It is simple & sweet. I realized in my original prototype that I love pink & tulle & old buttons & pom-pom trim, BUT it doesn't necessarily look good ALL together. So, I simplified it, kept my vintage buttons & happened to stumble upon some BEAUTIFUL vintage soft yellow crocheted (?? or knitted??) trim in my stash. And that is my next question: I don't knit, crochet, etc. So, would this trim be considered crocheted? Does anyone know? I don't know the difference. The description in my shop says the trim is "crocheted", but I am not certain & wanted to make sure.

I am working on lots more cupcakes, but was TOOOOO excited to wait & list until I had a handful already made. So, this lonely sweet cupcake ornament is in the shop & more of his friends are on the way! Chocolate cupcake anyone??? MMMmmmmm.........


  1. its probably either crocheted or tatted. and looks darling :)

  2. Thanks jeanetta! I wish you could see it in person--it is soooo dainty & tiny & sweet!

  3. I love, love the garland! So cute!

  4. oh Nikki, gorgeous, love love love all.
    So glad girlz liked necklaces and they arrived safe.
    Kara aka duchess

  5. P.S. the piccy's of the garland on etsy show it beautifully

  6. Those are really cute ornaments!


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